

A friend is a person,
Who is loving and kind,
Who will always be honest,
And will never tell lies,
A friend will help you,
Within good times and bad,
In any situation,
Things will never be sad,
A friend will stay with you,
If you need to talk,
Just go outside,
And take a long walk,
A friend is a person,
Who will listen to you,
You can tell them everything,
They can be honest with you too,
A friend is a person,
Who would never get upset,
If you both liked a person,
You won’t have to fret,
A friend would never cry,
If you told them how you felt,
They would never put you down,
Wouldn’t let your heart melt,
A friend is a person,
Who will always be a friend,
In times when you get sick,
They’ll have flowers to send,
God makes these friends,
Just for you,
In good times and bad,
You’re a friend to them too.

Art and Imagination

You found me when I was at my worst,
You put me back together,
But something happened and you died,
I will cherish our memories forever,
I remember the day that I met you,
You were so full of life and happiness,
But I stand here by our fantasy place,
I feel like my life is becoming a mess,
I was Art, and you were Imagination,
You were always like the other half of me,
My eyes well up in a rain of tears,
As your ashes are drifted out to sea,
I will always think about the times,
That you and I had,
I promise to look out onto the horizon,
And never be sad,
You taught me a lot of things,
To open up your mind,
Just close your eyes and imagine a world,
There could be anything you can find,
Now I will go back to our fantasy place,
Where you were Imagination and I was Art,
I will close my eyes happily,
Because I know you'll always be in my heart...


  1. Those are potentially the worst piece of shit poems I have ever heard - unless you wrote them in first grade, in which case I could understand how truly awful they are.

    1. Once again, Eden Matthews from Esperance, Australia, you really try hard to try and insult me. Epic fail. It really won't work and the way you carry on in the Voice Your True Opinion group on Facebook, you're still acting as childish and butt hurt as ever. There is no point in sending Anonymous as I already know who you are. I'm not easily fooled and now you're exposed.
